Receive Basar Teaching - fresh, full, rosy and cheerful

May these pages be a continual source of good spiritual food to nourish your soul in these days of spiritual famine. Sadly there is little teaching on the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ for His own at the Rapture, but that is what the Scriptures teach and what I believe.

Driving on the A36, to my horror I watched a female pheasant walk right into the path of a lorry. It had plenty of time to stop or turn back, but, no, it continued on its doomed journey into the great wheels. Its feathers exploded in a ball and then its carcass lay on the road in front of me. Then I thought how many people are just as deaf and blind and insensitive to approaching disaster... Don't be one of them! Heed the Warnings, Receive the Teachings, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and be Saved!!

If you would like to receive brochures listing Basar Blessings books on the Book of Revelation, Church teaching, including on the Blood of Christ and Hebrews, please email me with your contact details at I look forward to hearing from you!

I have designed a little booklet "Read the Bible In One Year". You may have a copy free by emailing me at Get into the daily habit of reading God's Word - I only recommend the King James Bible! The Guide also includes readings from the records of Calvary from each of the four Gospels.

Also published on Kindle and in paper-back form is an exciting novel "The Trumpet Shall Sound". Beginning on the day of the Rapture, the story takes the reader right through the progression of the world to the One World Government, the rise of the Antichrist, and the Plagues unto the Coming to Earth to Reign of the Lord Jesus Christ. This book gives a unique insight into the probable timescale and the depths of the horrors of those left under this prophesied time of Judgment. Please go to to order or my Amazon page Thelma Parker

Friday, 25 December 2020

 I now have a YouTube Channel called Basar Blessings. It has four videos filmed of me during my three weeks in Kabwe, Zambia, especially in the little village of Chikwata on the outskirts of Kabwe. 

Each one begins with a beautiful song, Ebenezer - Ebenezer meaning the LORD is my helper - which plays as I am being driven to the church where I was invited to speak. I am also taken to the Basar Blessings Mission Centre to view the plot of land with its boundary pillars so far, and the borehole drilled 160 metres down to provide crystal clear fresh water for the community. At the Centre is also the brand new church building, which I had the great delight in watching the installation of the structural ring band at lintel level and the remaining brick courses to roof level. Since my return, the building has had laid timber beams supporting a high standard iron sheeting roof. Window and doors frames are currently being formed and installed by an experienced local man.

The Channel may be accessed by going to this link